How to find a paid or commercial board appointment
Commercial board appointments are appealing for many because they offer an opportunity to build your career and be remunerated.
Commercial board appointments are appealing for many because they offer an opportunity to build your career and be remunerated.
When considering a board career you should evaluate all possible options, a Government board position is one of them.
You can have a Non-Executive and Executive role at the same time. Doing so may be the best career decision you’ll ever make.
Defining a list of companies to target is critical to successfully gaining a non-executive director (NED) appointment
One of the most valuable things you can do to gain a board appointment is to simply start telling people you are looking for one.
In Australia, there are nine types of board roles, each with different degrees of responsibilities, risks, and rewards.
Any board appointment will incur some risks, but for most, the rewards far outweigh these risks. Consider these seven rewards of a board role.
Can I become a Non-Executive Director with no board experience or am I just wasting my time? The reality is that you can.
By taking the direct approach to a board appointment you can tap into how 15% of all board appointments are made.
Most of us acknowledge the value of personal connections, but are unsure how to build a professional network.
53% of all board appointments potentially occur through connections seen rarely or infrequently
If you have board aspirations, you must have a list of board target organisations that you can be appointed to.
There are a number of things that you should do NOW if you are looking for a board appointment. The end of your executive career is too late.
We cover everything about getting a board role in Australia including board aspirations, roadblocks, personal connections, leveraging your C-suite experience, skills matrix & board fit, in-demand demand board roles & skills.
It may surprise you to know that the majority of new board appointments have neither past NED experience nor were/are CEOs.
If you are a Senior Executive and looking for your first board appointment then, most likely, you have already begun to wonder HOW that transition will take place.