Australia’s Largest Board Vacancies List

Board Direction advertises Australia’s largest list of Board Vacancies, with around 2,700 individual vacancies advertised annually. These reflect Non-Executive and Advisory Board opportunities across the Commercial, Public and Not for Profit Sectors.

What Sort of Vacancies do we Advertise?

Board Roles Australia
Board Direction launched in 2013 and in that time we have listed over 21,000 board opportunities and have steadily grown to become the leading and most comprehensive advertiser of board vacancies – no one advertises more NED opportunities than we do. 
We advertise board opportunities for a wide range of companies – Public, Commercial and Not for Profit, across 50+ industries. Approximately 67% of the roles we advertise are paid or pay expenses. Most of the Not for Profit roles we advertise are unpaid but offer a terrific opportunity for aspiring directors to gain a foothold in a highly competitive market. 

In 2023 we...

√ Sourced and listed 2,748 new board vacancies for our members

√ Listed roles for 1,752 different organisations

√ Represented every state and territory – National 22%, Vic 28%, NSW 19%, QLD 9%, WA 6%, SA 6%, TAS 4%, ACT 5% & NT 1%

How do we Find Them?

Many other businesses use ‘bots’ to find vacancies and as such do a bad job. We don’t. Having been operating in this space for close to a decade we have developed the knowledge of where to find hidden vacancies and use this information to personally source opportunities for our members.  Our highly trained staff proactively source all our board vacancies. We also work with recruiters to list their opportunities and through our extensive network of NEDs, we are able to source opportunities that may otherwise never see the light of day. 
We are proud of our achievements in this area and our members appreciate the effort we go to to find the opportunities that no one else can. 

View Board Vacancies?

You can view our full list of current vacancies HERE. However, in order to view the details of these vacancies you need to become a Board Direction Member.  Alternately, you can view a full list of previously advertised vacancies HERE.