What is the time commitment required as a Non-Executive Director?
Finding time to secure a board role is one thing, but what is the time commitment of a non-executive director?
Finding time to secure a board role is one thing, but what is the time commitment of a non-executive director?
Commercial board appointments are appealing for many because they offer an opportunity to build your career and be remunerated.
Many say that they would only consider a paid board role. The reality is that unpaid board roles offer significant and tangible benefits.
Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) get paid $1.8M from their various appointments, whilst others get paid nothing. There is a disparity.
In Australia, there are nine types of board roles, each with different degrees of responsibilities, risks, and rewards.
There are many significant expectations of modern company directors. Cyber security awareness is one of a number of responsibilities for directors – and an increasingly important one, if a recent…
Strong ties have value in the board appointment process; you should consider what value they offer you.
Regardless of how you might be appointed, the Chairperson is the key to a board appointment.
The latest Australian board diversity data has been released, including changing trends in board director skills and experience.
People you know and trust, who are connected are not who you should target to get you a board appointment.