Not-for-profit organisations (NFPs)
- Women are significantly better represented in NFPs than they are in public listed companies.
- According to research by Women on Boards conducted in 2008, women comprise 30% of directors, or their equivalents, in top NFP organisations (by revenue)
- In contrast to public listed companies, more than 75% of NFP boards were reported as having at least one female director in 2004.
- Of the governing councils of Group of Eight (Go8) universities in Australia, 33% of members are female. Approximately 40% of Go8 senior committee members are female (Go8 and member university websites, November 2012).
- As at 30 June 2012, women held 38.4% of Government board appointments. This is an increase from 35.3% in 2011. Over the 2011-2012 financial year, 41% of the 1633 new board appointments were awarded to women (FaHCSIA website, November 2012).