Umwelt offers a range of environment and social consulting services to our clients nationwide

Umwelt has over 24 years of experience in environmental and social consulting. We have successfully completed over 4,000 projects across Australia in the public and private sectors, incorporating: infrastructure, mining, industrial, urban development, defence, and state and commonwealth government sectors. Having seen significant growth under the leadership of the two Directors and a long standing team of committed and talented professionals Umwelt now seeks an Independent Chair.

Background: Founded in 1993 Umwelt works with regional, national and international clients to create effective and innovative solutions to environment and community sustainability challenges. Since that time the Umwelt team have grown to almost 120 professionals nationwide who work closely with our clients, stakeholders, government and communities. The expertise of the organisation is as diverse as it is extensive, it also enjoys a strong culture & staff loyalty and is moving to employee share plan.  The board is currently made up of 2 directors and utilises the input of an independent facilitator, Company Secretary and CFO.

Opportunity: This is a terrific opportunity for a strong leader with considerable governance experience who is able to evidence a genuine passion for what Umwelt does and what he/she can contribute. Specifically, beyond ensuring the good governance of the organisation, the Chair will: provide a macro perspective of the the challenges and opportunities arising from the digital disruption in the industry and; guide us towards maximising new market opportunities. The successful candidate will likely be able to evidence considerable private sector business acumen (ideally as a CEO/MD or Director) and a demonstrable affinity for seeing the businesses grow through a combination of: financial nous, nurture and strategic thinking.

Further information: For more information please visit: Further information is available for candidates if requested.

To apply: Please complete the form at the bottom of this page (having first considered the required criteria below) and attaching your Board CV.

Person Specification: Umwelt seeks to appoint an Independent Chair who can demonstrate:

  1. Governance Experience: Ideally as an experienced Chair or NED of a similar organisation.
  2. Business Acumen: Ideally experience as a private company CEO/MD or Director with strong finance focus.
  3. Contribution: Ideally with the connections, experience and success to effectively govern the board.
  4. Passion: A genuine desire to contribute to the growth and sustainability of the business.
  5. Leadership: A demonstrable affinity for leading an organisation of similar scope and scale – though all industry backgrounds will be considered.

Location & Time Commitment: The Board currently meets eleven times each year. All board meetings are held in Umwelt’s new energy efficient NSW office in Newcastle (Teralba). Whilst board members can reside anywhere – they would ideally be based on the East Coast and will need to attend meetings in Newcastle (any travel expenses are inclusive of the agreed remuneration).

Remuneration: This role is competitively remunerated.

Appointment Process: The closing date for all applications is Friday 14th July 2017. Should you not be able to submit an application by the closing date please email ua.m1739509718oc.no1739509718itcer1739509718iddra1739509718ob@tc1739509718atnoc1739509718as late applications may be accepted. Following receipt of all applications and in conversation with Umwelt Board Direction we will arrange for interviews with shortlised listed candidates in late July/early August. The successful candidate will likely be appointed by late August. All candidates will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their applications.

How to Apply: To apply for this opportunity please complete the form below and attach your board CV prior to Friday 14th July 2017. To avoid disappointment we strongly suggest that prior to completing the form below you save all your responses to each criteria in a word document and then paste them directly into the relevant sections below. Upon submitting your form you will receive notification of receipt. If you do not receive this within 24hrs please email ua.mo1739509718c.noi1739509718tceri1739509718ddrao1739509718b@tca1739509718tnoc1739509718

Further Questions: For an informal and confidential conversation about this opportunity please email .ua.m1739509718oc.no1739509718itcer1739509718iddra1739509718ob@tc1739509718atnoc1739509718

Applications close Friday 14th July 2017 (early applications are appreciated)

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